The Weather in Cairo, Egypt: A Detailed Overview

Cairo, the sprawling capital of Egypt, is a city that is as renowned for its rich history as it is for its unique weather patterns. The city’s location in the northeastern part of Africa, just south of the Mediterranean Sea, contributes to its distinctive climate.

This article will delve into the intricacies of the weather in Cairo, Egypt, providing a comprehensive review of the city’s temperature fluctuations, wind patterns, and more.

The Temperature Spectrum in Cairo

The temperature in Cairo, Egypt, is a tale of extremes. The city experiences high temperatures that can soar to remarkable heights, especially during the summer months. Conversely, the low temperatures, while not as extreme, can still present a cool contrast to the daytime heat.

During the summer, the high temperatures in Cairo can reach a scorching 40°C (104°F), making it a time for locals and tourists alike to seek shade and hydration. However, the city’s desert location means that the heat is dry, rather than humid, which can make it more bearable for some.

In contrast, the winter months bring a much-needed respite from the heat. The low temperatures can dip to around 10°C (50°F), providing a cool but not freezing climate. This period is often considered the best time to visit Cairo, as the weather is more comfortable for exploring the city’s many historical sites.

The Dance of the Sun and Moon

One of the most enchanting aspects of Cairo’s weather is the play of the sun and moon against the city’s historic skyline. The sunrise and sunset times in Cairo are a spectacle to behold, painting the sky with hues of orange, pink, and purple. The city’s relatively clear skies contribute to the visibility of these celestial events, making them a daily highlight for both residents and visitors.

The sunrise in Cairo is a sight to behold, as the sun slowly ascends over the city’s ancient monuments, bathing them in a soft, golden light. The time of sunrise varies throughout the year, based on the tilt of the Earth’s axis. However, it generally occurs between 5:00 AM and 7:00 AM local time.

As the day draws to a close, the sunset in Cairo presents another mesmerising display. The setting sun casts long shadows across the city, while the sky transforms into a canvas of vibrant colours. The sunset typically occurs between 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM local time, depending on the time of year.

The moon also plays a significant role in Cairo’s night sky. On clear nights, the moon can be seen in all its glory, casting a silvery light over the city. The visibility of the moon and its phases can add a touch of magic to Cairo’s nights, making them all the more enchanting.

The Winds of Cairo

The wind in Cairo is another important aspect of the city’s weather. The winds can vary in speed and direction, contributing to the city’s overall climate. The most common wind direction in Cairo is from the north, although winds from the WNW are also frequent.

The wind speed in Cairo can range from a gentle breeze to more robust winds, depending on the time of year and weather conditions. These winds can help to moderate the city’s high temperatures, providing a cooling effect that can be particularly welcome during the hot summer months.

The Role of Humidity and Precipitation

Despite its desert location, Cairo does experience some humidity and precipitation. However, these are generally less significant than in other climates. The humidity in Cairo can contribute to the overall feel of the temperature, with higher humidity making the heat feel more intense.

Precipitation in Cairo is relatively low, with the city receiving minimal rainfall throughout the year. Snow in Cairo is a rarity, with snowfall being a once-in-a-lifetime event for many residents. When it does occur, it can transform the city’s familiar landscape into a winter wonderland, albeit briefly.

The Clear Sky of Cairo

One of the most distinctive features of Cairo’s weather is the prevalence of clear skies. The city’s desert climate and location away from coastal influences contribute to this phenomenon. Clear sky in Cairo are not just a daytime occurrence; they extend into the night, providing a stunning backdrop for the city’s skyline and a perfect stage for the moon and stars to shine.

Clear sky has a significant impact on the city’s temperature. During the day, the absence of clouds allows the sun’s rays to reach the ground unimpeded, contributing to the high temperatures that Cairo is known for. At night, the lack of cloud cover means that the heat accumulated during the day can escape into the atmosphere, leading to cooler temperatures.

The Magic of Daylight and Twilight in Cairo

The transition from day to night and vice versa is a magical time in Cairo. The city’s clear skies and desert backdrop create a stunning canvas for the changing colours of the sky. The length of daylight varies throughout the year, with longer days in the summer and shorter ones in the winter.

During daylight hours, the sun reigns supreme, casting its warm, golden light over the city. As the day progresses, the intensity of the sunlight changes, creating a dynamic play of light and shadow.

As the sun sets, the period known as civil twilight begins. This is the time when the sun is just below the horizon, and its light is diffused across the sky. The sky during civil twilight in Cairo is a sight to behold, with hues of orange, pink, and purple creating a mesmerising display.


In conclusion, the weather in Cairo, Egypt, is a fascinating blend of high temperatures, captivating sunrises and sunsets, and unique wind patterns. Despite the city’s desert location, it experiences a range of weather conditions that contribute to its charm and appeal.

Whether you’re planning a visit or simply curious about the city’s climate, understanding Cairo’s weather can provide valuable insights into this historic city.

Frequently Asked Questions about Weather in Cairo, Egypt

1. What is the average temperature in Cairo, Egypt?

The average temperature in Cairo varies depending on the time of year. In the summer months (June to August), temperatures can reach highs of around 35°C (95°F). In contrast, the winter months (December to February) see cooler temperatures, with highs around 20°C (68°F) and lows around 10°C (50°F).

2. What is the best time to visit Cairo, Egypt?

The best time to visit Cairo is during the cooler months from November to April. During this period, the weather is more comfortable for sightseeing and exploring the city’s many historical sites. However, it’s always a good idea to check the weather forecast before planning your trip.

3. Does it snow in Cairo, Egypt?

Snow in Cairo is extremely rare. The city’s desert climate and location mean that it typically experiences hot, dry weather. However, there have been a few instances of snowfall in Cairo’s history, but these are considered exceptional events.

4. What is the humidity like in Cairo, Egypt?

Despite its high temperatures, Cairo’s desert location means that the city generally experiences low humidity, especially in the summer. However, humidity can increase in the cooler months, particularly in the early morning and late evening.

5. How is the wind speed in Cairo, Egypt?

Wind speed in Cairo can vary depending on the time of year and weather conditions. The city often experiences winds from the north and WNW. These winds can help to moderate the city’s high temperatures, particularly during the hot summer months.

6. How clear is the sky in Cairo, Egypt?

Cairo is known for its clear skies, thanks to its desert climate and location away from coastal influences. These clear skies provide a stunning backdrop for the city’s skyline and make celestial events like sunrise, sunset, and moon phases highly visible.

7. What is the visibility like in Cairo, Egypt?

Visibility in Cairo can vary depending on the weather conditions. On clear days, visibility can be excellent, making it a great time to visit the city’s many historical sites. However, sandstorms, which can occur in Cairo, may reduce visibility significantly.

8. What is the length of daylight in Cairo, Egypt?

The length of daylight in Cairo varies throughout the year. During the summer solstice in June, the city experiences its longest day, with over 14 hours of daylight. In contrast, the winter solstice in December brings the shortest day, with just over 10 hours of daylight.






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